Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eye eye?

As some of you know, Charlotte has been sick again for the past few days. She's been fighting off a fever since Friday and has yet to develop any other symptoms (other than some vague and transient congestion). She has been on antibiotics since Saturday evening, but the fever hasn't really subsided for longer than a few hours, and even then, she almost always needs Tylenol to help bring it down. This morning we discovered that she has three new teeth coming in. Yikes! All of her eye teeth except the upper left side are through the gums. Maybe that has something to do with her being unwell? I'd be surprised if the new teeth were entirely responsible for all she's been dealing with, but I will chalk up some of her irritability and crankiness (see above photos for an idea of how happy she's been lately) to the teeth.

She seems better today than she has since last Thursday, so hopefully she is on the mend. Now that these teeth have broken through her gums, the majority of the discomfort should be over.

I won't be taking her to her playgroup this morning, but I think we'll try for Montessori tomorrow. We might not make it through the whole 2 hours, but I think we'll give it a shot at least for a little while, depending, of course, on how she seems tomorrow morning.

Last week at Montessori. Playing lego outside.

Offering up sand soup at Montessori. She looks a little sick in this picture . . . maybe this was when she started coming down with whatever she has now . . .

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