Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Day in the Life

Kate, Neale and Charlotte have settled into a nice routine now that Neale is temporarily not a road warrior and Charlotte is back to her energetic self. It goes a little something like this:

5:35am: Kate awake and walks to gym with neighbor, Neale might roll over, usually not.

6:00am: Kate arrives at gym, Neale and Charlotte dream of delicious cupcakes

7:00am: Kate leaves gym arrives home shortly after. Charlotte wakes and whimpers "Mama, mama, mama" until mom arrives home. Neale feels sad because Charlotte never says "daddy" in the morning. Mama and Charlotte have a pretty special bond.

7:15 am: Neale leaves for his run, usually tires in 3 minutes and hits Cibo for a flat white. Splashes water on his face and pants heavily when arrives home 20mins later. Sometimes he walks briskly. Charlotte and Kate have breakfast. Kate has coffee ready. Neale likes caffeine.

8:15am Charlotte watches "Shaun the Sheep" yells "baaa, baaa" during entire show. Neale leaves for work, usually walks and grabs another coffee on the way. Kate settles into Oprah and bon bons. Kate hits Neale in the shoulder as he types this.

8:30: Neale arrives at work. Charlotte watches Diego, Kate gets ready for the day's activity (Monday - swimming, Tuesday - Playgroup, Wednesday - Montessori, Thursday - Kindergym, Friday - more bon bons - ouch, stop hitting, Kate).

9:15 am: Kate and Charlotte leave for their activity. Neale slaves away in sea-side office.

12:00pm: Kate and Charlotte pick Neale up at his sea-side office and head home for lunch. Charlotte either eats, or doesn't, and is down for a big nap by 12:30 or 1 pm.

1:00pm: Neale goes back to work. Kate cleans up and starts chores, which include watching Oprah from 1-2pm. Chores also include, washing Neale's clothes, dishes, dirty sink he has left behind, and putting his clutter back in a place that Neale can never seem to find. Time spent cleaning up after Charlotte: 6-7 minutes. Time spent cleaning up after Neale: 1-2 hours.

3:00pm-ish: Charlotte wakes up, often announces that she has to "poo". Has a snack and then has aforementioned poo. Neale gets up from his desk, announces he has to"visit the facilities" and then does so.

3:30pm-5:30pm: Kate and Charlotte play, colour, read books and sometimes go to the beach or park (weather permitting). Dinner preparations commence around 5:30pm, just before Neale gets home. Neale slaves away in sea-side office as sun reflects off the ocean and dolphins play, often jumping out of the ocean waving to to Neale saying "G'day Neale"

6:00pm: Neale arrives home; the Sendeckis dine. Kate asks Neale to refer to her as "Master chef" during the meal.

6;30pm -7:15pm: play time, which sometimes includes a trip to the beach or a walk. Other times includes playing Dora memory game. Charlotte always wins. Kate, a close 2nd, Neale, a distant third.

7:15 pm: Charlotte has a bath. Sometimes a cheery experience, sometimes not. Neale has a bath - sometime a cheery experience, most of the time not.

8:00pm: Charlotte says "nigh nigh". Kate and Neale retire to the couch to watch out-dated North American programs on cable TV. Sometimes a movie. Neale tells Kate how his day went, Kate puches Neale in the face, saying "Shut up, I'm watching Australian Idol (mondays), Australia's Got Talent (Tuesday), Top Chef (Wednesdays), Americas Next top Model (thursdays) and Two and Half men (Fridays). Neale cries.

10:00 pm: Kate and Neale go to bed, and get ready for the whole thing to start all over again . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

As you can tell, much of this entry was written by Neale. Most of the references about me being mean or combative are entirely UNTRUE. It's just Neale's way of trying to be funny.